SPE Event Committees

committee meeting

Mission of Event Program Committees

The mission of the Event Program Committee is to develop an engaging and relevant technical program by monitoring activity in their fields, identifying topics and companies active in development work, as well as individuals who can contribute their knowledge and expertise to the technical content.

Structure of the Committees

Conference, Symposium, and Regional Meeting Event Program Committee consists of 1 chairperson, 1 vice-chairperson, and 10-15 committee members. The number of members varies according to program need and will include diversity in area(s) of expertise, company, and geographical location. Larger conferences may utilize subcommittees, in which case there will be a chairperson and vice-chairperson for each subcommittee. These subcommittee chairpersons and vice-chairpersons serve as members of the Program Committee and lead their subcommittees independently.

A Workshop, Forum, and Summit Event Program Committee consists of 2 co-chairpersons and 10-15 committee members. The number of members varies according to program need and will include diversity in area(s) of expertise, company, and geographical location.  

Term of Appointment and Time Commitment

The term of a Conference/Symposium/Regional Meeting committee member is 3 years. Rotation of chairpersons and committee members and inclusion of new members provides for new, innovative ideas to be infused into the program. The committee will meet 3-6 times throughout the planning process. This may be by teleconference, virtual meetings, or face-to-face. There is an organizational or “kick-off” meeting, 2-3 subsequent status meetings/calls (as the program dictates), and the Program Selection Meeting where the committee will review the rated paper proposals and develop the approved technical program.

The term of a Workshop/Forum/Summit committee member is 1 year. The committee will meet monthly throughout the planning process. This are usually by teleconference or virtual meetings.


When a volunteer serves on a Program Committee, the work will involve access to information that is considered confidential. Any information obtained during the term of service should be treated with the strictest confidentiality.  

It is the volunteer's responsibility to respect the confidentiality of authors and their information, to follow SPE procedures and to act in a professional manner at all times in order to maintain high professional standards of the committee and integrity of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.  

What Types of Event Program Committees Are There?


Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us at volunteer@spe.org

Ready to volunteer for an Event Program Committee? Join us!